"To the animals and plants,
Wakan Tanka said what to do.
Animals and plants are not alike.
Birds differ from one another.
Some build a nest, some don't.
Some animals live in holes,
Some in caves or bushes.
Some make do without any kind of habitat."


"Each creature has its own reason for being.
Even an ant has its own that it knows in its own way.
If Wakan Tanka likes it to be so for plants and animals, and even for the most modest mice or bugs, all the more so how much must he hate the humans all alike, accomplishing the same task, getting up at the same time, wearing the same kind of ready-made garments, traveling in the same underground train, eyes set on the same clock, and worst of all, thinking the same at every hour of the day… ?"

         Praise of Human Diversity, by Sioux Tahca Ushte  

Listen to the
sound of


Mp3 files...




   Look at the video (Flash format) :

Big file : 12,7 Mo
Small file : 2,7 Mo



   The name of this subfolder is "Nature"
because Yaourt started in a very "roots-underground"
way – recording demos with a minimum of means,
gigs in the Spanish Pyrenees, in art squats and very small bars – and because very clear choices were made towards saving the natural heritage of the world.

 Yaourt can be compared to an organic product whose price
did not exceed that of a can, organic at all levels, including trying to find a quality of living that respects the individual and its differences, a quest for balance between tradition and modernity, and between the energies within ourselves, all of that with a spirit of renaissance and freshness… !

Yaourt in Concert

Listen to the first album of YAOURT : "Nature"...
Buy the CD on line...


Read the Press release :   

Ouest-France 1 
Ouest-France 2  
Presse Océan  
Tremplin RTL 2 - 2003  


On the Web :      


"The man who understands laughs at everything,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -and that who reasons at nothing"...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(Goethe)

  Survival - http://www.survival-international.org/fr/ Amnesty International - http://www.amnesty.asso.fr/ Tibet Libre - http://www.tibet.fr/

Le webmaster de Yaourt : Erwan Corre http://www.erwan-corre.com


>> Last update July 28, 2006